Peace of Mind and the Daily Grind

burnout noun
burn·​out | \ ˈbərn-ˌau̇t  \

: exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.
The line between total investment and burnout is thin.

At Penna Powers, we have a knack for finding creative solutions to complex problems. Such work requires long hours and sometimes strenuous thinking. We spend most of our time thinking about how we can complete projects, maximize time, and meet our deadlines. These activities can be mentally exhausting, yet we keep coming back for more. Why is that?

Work Hard, Play Hard

For this blog post, we asked long-term Penna Powers veteran and Chief Creative Officer Erico Bisquera to pull back the curtain on some strategies Penna Powers uses to help employees find peace of mind and avoid burnout. 

“One of the core values, here at Penna Powers, is that we like to work hard, but we also like to play hard.”  

– Erico Bisquera

Please visit to see why we work so hard at P2. 

According to Erico, one of the best ways to help employees avoid burnout is to get away from work. There are several ways that we remove ourselves from the stress that comes with working in our industry. One of Erico’s favorite team activities is stepping away from the building and hitting some golf balls. This gives the team an outlet to take out some frustration and enjoy a mental vacation. Activities like golfing are the perfect way to distract employees while still improving their ability to think and excel at their jobs. 

Some of our favorite activities outside of the office include:

  • Annual Lagoon Day
  • Annual participation in local humanitarian projects
  • Going to lunch as a department
  • Ax throwing

We do not do these things just to leave. Erico explained that getting away actually has a positive impact. He said, “Getting away recharges you and gets you back to where you are ready to work hard and solve problems.”

Tough to Get Away?

Yeah, we get it. Sometimes it is impossible to get away from the office. We have a solution for that, too. Positive distractions that get your creative juices flowing are achievable at the office as well. Here are some examples of what we have done when time won’t permit us to get away from the office for a few hours:

  • Foodtruck Fridays
  • The bar cart
  • Movies at lunch in the breakroom
  • Dungeons and Dragons lunchtime campaigns
  • Company parties
  • Gathering around our movie theater popcorn machine
  • Enjoying the company of coworkers

Yeah, that last one was a little bit cliché. However, we really do enjoy the company of our coworkers. We find that recharging our batteries over a cup of coffee, accompanied by a conversation in the breakroom, is highly effective. 


When it comes down to it, sometimes the recipe for good work includes distraction. It may sound counterintuitive but trust us. Sometimes, when we are having a hard time putting the hypothetical pen to paper, we are just too close to the project. Even the most insignificant distractions not only charge your batteries but can also be a source of creativity. So take a few steps back. Look at the bigger picture, find a distraction, and come back to it later. When we do this, we find that our ability to be fully engaged and excel in our work is enhanced.  

Erico’s Advice:

“Find time to get away and clear your mind. You’ll find when you come back, fresh ideas will come just because you took the time to get away from it.”